Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oak Park and River Forest High School

Freshman Year to Senior Year
1980 - 1984

A-Period - Homeroom - Mr. Krass
Nice quite guy that taught shop.

Shared homeroom with a great bunch:

Dallas Barber, Tony Dornacher, Bill Earle, Susan Ebert, Anne Eckstein, Karin Eitrheim, Ali ElSaffar, Ray Elliott, Susan Engel, Ellen Engelhardt, Dianna Englehart, Mary Enright, Robin Enstrom

Shared Lunch with:

Michael Bloch, Mario Bobzin, Allan Bolchazy, Steve Cline, Tony Dornacher, Bill Earle, Ali ElSaffar, Joe Foley, Eric Sanders, John Szadziewicz

and at times: Sean Gleeson, Cary Lahucik, Paul Wagner

And of course: Kelly Morrissy to lighten things up.

Had way too many classes and fellow student to mention them all, however, some teachers stick out more than others.

Mr. Granias - English - He was inspirational. His favorite book and one of mine, in turn: 'The Little Prince'. Can still picture a snake that has eaten an elephant.

Herr Schoepko - German - Always a surprise. He would tell us on chilly days - One - It is not cold it is invigorating. Two - Deutsch is cool. Three - warmth comes from within.

Ms. Vana, now Mrs. Anderson - Biology and Anthropology - Brilliant relaxed teaching style. When she and fellow science teacher Mr. Anderson got married she invited her students to attend.

Mr. Pekala and Mr. Fuller - Chorus - Two men that filled our lives with music. Still think of Mr. Pekala every time somebody says when without a whispery 'h'. Because, WEN is a tumor NOT a time.

Mr. Campbell - English Literature - For smelling really good and getting dressed for school. Had a huge crush on him and would grade freshman papers last period to sit and watch him. After graduating went to his house and had tea. His wife was stunning.

Mr. Swierk - Math - Liked his teaching style, but even more than that - the guff he gave my older sister.

Worked during High School:

Freshman Year - SAGA Foods or as we called it 'Soviet Attempt to Gag America'. They had the food contract with Concordia Teacher's College. My sisters and I worked banquets as servers.

Sophomore to Senior year - Maid service.
It started as a few houses to clean from the high school job board. By my senior year - had over 10 girls working for me cleaning houses.

Learned some extra jobs while cleaning for clients - like what it takes to work in an upholstery shop, how to properly pleat curtains, and how a kosher kitchen is ran.

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